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芭芭拉史翠珊 /「芭芭拉世紀演唱會」之重回布魯克林現場 (DVD+CD豪華加值版)
Barbra Streisand / Back To Brooklyn (DVD+CD Deluxe Edition)
◎ 兩座奧斯卡獎、十座金球獎、九座葛萊美獎史上最偉大女歌手闊別六年《Barbra Live》世界巡迴演唱會,拍攝自2012年10月11日及13日重返出生地布魯克林現場演唱實況
◎ 由指揮金手William Ross擔綱指揮、60人編制管弦樂團伴奏、舞台大師Richard Jay-Alexander精采製作、都會爵士浪漫小號手Chris Botti伴奏
◎ 演唱會全長1小時50分鐘,加值收錄兒子Jason Gould演唱〈This Masquerade〉及〈I Remember Barbra〉記錄短片
根據美國唱片協會(RIAA)統計,Barbra Streisand自1963年至今,寫下共32張高踞告示牌前十名的專輯,立足所有女歌手之冠,更是連續在5個年代唯一皆有登頂作品的藝人。累積全球突破1億4500萬銷量,橫跨爵士、流行、成人抒情各領域。2013年,美國女性時尚雜誌《Glamour》,頒發終身成就獎給予Barbra。
世紀傳奇天后Barbra,於2012年10月8日至2013年6月22日,展開闊別6年之久的《Barbra Live》世界巡迴演唱會,締造超過4000萬美金票房。拍攝自10月11日及13日兩場重回Barbra出生故鄉布魯克林區的巴克萊中心(Barclays Center)演出畫面。要求完美的Barbra,從舞台設計、選歌排序、服裝打扮、聲光效果、特別嘉賓到多達60人的管絃樂團,全程參與策畫。請到多座艾美獎肯定,曾是3屆奧斯卡音樂總監,加上Michael Jackson、Whitney Houston、Celine Dion、Andrea Bocelli等天王天后指定巡演幕後金手的William Ross擔綱指揮;負責《悲慘世界》、《歌劇魅影》、《西貢小姐》等百老匯大戲的舞台製作大師Richard Jay-Alexander,與Barbra共同設計精采演出。請到葛萊美獎爵士小號手Chris Botti、義大利男高音少年組合Il Volo及Barbra和第一任丈夫Elliott Gould所生的寶貝兒子Jason Gould…等藝人擔任特別伴唱/伴奏嘉賓。
從Barbra出生到一路躍升明星的照片中揭啟序幕,身著一身黑色典雅服裝演唱安德烈洛依韋伯音樂劇《日落大道》名曲〈As If We Never Said Goodbye〉當開場曲。交錯翻唱以及自己招牌經典,其中還有對自己創作夥伴/好友致敬的歌謠,包括:Alan & Marilyn Bergman夫妻檔的〈Nice ‘N’ Easy〉、〈That Face〉、〈The Way He Makes Me Feel〉;入籍「創作名人堂」、「美國劇院名人堂」Jule Styne的〈Gypsy〉、〈Funny Girl〉;曾獲「桂冠指揮家」稱號已故傳奇Leonard Bernstein的〈Make Our Garden Grow〉、〈Somewhere〉;拿下葛萊美、奧斯卡、艾美和東尼獎,在Barbra準備巡演前1個多月過世的Marvin Hamlisch,特別獻上〈The Way We Were / Through The Eyes Of Love〉…等曲目。長達1小時50分鐘的表演裡,Barbra在曲與曲的銜接中,串出幽默風趣的話語,輕鬆的和歌迷分享一路走來點點滴滴。DVD加值送上Jason Gould演唱〈This Masquerade〉、《I Remember Barbra》記錄短片。不僅有DVD的全程錄影,豪華版再送上現場錄音CD,最超值的影音享受一次到位。
1. Back to Brooklyn
2. As If We Never Said Goodbye
3. I Remember Brooklyn (Dialogue)
4. Nice 'n' Easy / That Face
5. The Way He Makes Me Feel
6. Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
7. Didn't We
8. Smile (w/ Il Volo)
9. Q & A
10. Sam, You Made The Pants Too Long
11. No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
12. The Way We Were / Through The Eyes Of Love
13. Being Good Isn't Good Enough
14. Rose's Turn / Some People / Don't Rain On My Parade
15. I Remember Barbra
16. You're The Top
17. What'll I Do / My Funny Valentine (w/ Chris Botti)
18. Lost Inside Of You (w/ Chris Botti)
19. Evergreen (Love Theme from A Star Is Born) (w/ Chris Botti)
20. Nature Boy (Birthday video performed by Jason Gould)
21. How Deep Is The Ocean (Duet w/ Jason Gould)
22. People
23. Here's To Life
24. Make Our Garden Grow / Somewhere
25. Some Other Time
26. Happy Days Are Here Again
27. This Masquerade (Performed by Jason Gould)
28. I Remember Barbra Documentary Film
1. I Remember Barbra #1
2. As If We Never Said Goodbye
3. Nice 'n' Easy / That Face
4. The Way He Makes Me Feel
5. Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
6. Didn't We
7. Marvin Hamlisch intro
8. The Way We Were / Through The Eyes Of Love
9. Jule Styne intro
10. Being Good Isn't Good Enough
11. Rose's Turn / Some People / Don't Rain On My Parade
12. I Remember Barbra #2
13. You're The Top
14. What'll I Do / My Funny Valentine (w/ Chris Botti)
15. Lost Inside Of You (w/ Chris Botti)
16. Evergreen (Love Theme from A Star Is Born) (w/ Chris Botti)
17. Jason Gould intro
18. How Deep Is The Ocean (Duet w/ Jason Gould)
19. People
20. Here's To Life intro
21. Here's To Life
22. Make Our Garden Grow
23. Some Other Time intro
24. Some Other Time
音效選擇:PCM Uncompressed Stereo /5.1 Dolby Sound
系統規格:NTSC DVD9
包裝內容:2片裝(DVD/CD) 授權範圍:家用
芭芭拉史翠珊 / 「芭芭拉世紀演唱會」之重回布魯克林現場錄音CD 進口版
Barbra Streisand / Back To Brooklyn CD
◎ 兩座奧斯卡獎、十座金球獎、九座葛萊美獎史上最偉大女歌手闊別六年《Barbra Live》世界巡迴演唱會,拍攝自2012年10月11日及13日重返出生地布魯克林現場演唱
◎ 由指揮金手William Ross擔綱指揮、60人編制樂團伴奏、舞台大師Richard Jay-Alexander精采製作、都會爵士浪漫小號手Chris Botti伴奏
◎ 其中收錄九首芭芭拉從未在演唱會表演曲目
1. I Remember Barbra #1
2. As If We Never Said Goodbye
3. Nice 'n' Easy / That Face
4. The Way He Makes Me Feel
5. Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
6. Didn't We
7. Marvin Hamlisch intro
8. The Way We Were / Through The Eyes Of Love
9. Jule Styne intro
10. Being Good Isn't Good Enough
11. Rose's Turn / Some People / Don't Rain On My Parade
12. I Remember Barbra #2
13. You're The Top
14. What'll I Do / My Funny Valentine (w/ Chris Botti)
15. Lost Inside Of You (w/ Chris Botti)
16. Evergreen (Love Theme from A Star Is Born) (w/ Chris Botti)
17. Jason Gould intro
18. How Deep Is The Ocean (Duet w/ Jason Gould)
19. People
20. Here's To Life intro
21. Here's To Life
22. Make Our Garden Grow
23. Some Other Time intro
24. Some Other Time
SONY MUSIC 2013年新發行列表